Right now I'm working on a top out of Artyarns Supermerino. The pattern I'm using is Fiesta Yarns Gelato Summer Top, and it's not the quick knit they say it is. The ribbing changes position every 10 rows, which is not the challenge for me. The challenge is doing the increases and making them fit into the pattern. I'm getting to the end of the increases, and I'm having to write them out to see what they'll look like. It's annoying, to say the least. This top better look darn cute when I'm done with it! And I want to be done with it soon b/c I've joined 2 knitalongs lately: the Union Square Market Pullover KAL and the Greek Pullover KAL. Both sweaters are in the new issue of IK. I have the yarn for the Union Square pullover (purple, of course, and blue), but I haven't done a gauge swatch. I'm a little nervous about that b/c a couple of people in the KAL have had trouble getting it using the same yarn (Rowan Cashsoft 4ply).
Today was an interesting day. I rode 78 miles with a friend of mine, who is considerably slower than me. After slowing down and circling in the middle of the road, trying to stay with her, for 40 miles, I decided to just go my own pace, then pull over to the side of the road and wait for her to catch up. I did that the whole way home (we rode from my house). It wasn't the ideal training ride, but I didn't want to leave her b/c I got left by the group I was riding with last weekend, and it was no fun at all. Then when we got back to my house, I went out for a 3.5 mile run. She laid on the floor. Before I left the house, I said, "You're not leaving, are you? Because if you aren't, I won't take the house key." (My husband and son were camping with the in-laws and were 1 1/2 hours away.) She said she couldn't move, so I went off. 33 minutes later, I got back home, and she was in her car, talking on her cellphone (the battery was dying, so she had it hooked up to the charger in her car). I went to the front door, and it was locked! (You saw that coming, didn't you?) So we were locked out of the house. Her purse and shoes were in the house, and of course everything of mine was. The only person who has a spare key lives 45 minutes away (that'll soon change, though). So, all we could do was go to her place, change into her clothes, then go to a restaurant and eat hamburgers. I was not happy at all, but I couldn't show my anger b/c she already felt horrible. I had been looking so forward to knitting in an empty house all day. I called my husband, and we finally ended up getting back in the house 3 hours later. I guess the moral of the story is to make sure that your friend is not delirious when you tell her not to shut the front door to your house.
Off to bed. Even though my workout wasn't as tough as it could've been, I'm still very tired. Knit on!